Monday, June 28, 2010


Yesterday was my last day in London and it was a wonderful one. I never would have thought that I’d like London. When me and William were planning this trip I told him that I’d love to avoid London since it was much like the states. Little did I know I would love it.
London has a unique flavor of its own. It’s like New York in that the railways connect everything (ok not everything) and everyone and it is diverse. It is different in that New York is sort of a melting pot, people from everywhere come and mix– mostly on subways. One thing I found strange and didn’t like was the lack of communication on subways. People don’t talk! In fact, they almost find it rude to talk. The only people who I ever heard talk were Spaniards that were visiting. The Brits seemed to whisper, but the main thing you’d notice is that they enter the sub, get a seat (or find a pole to hold) and get a book out. They are total bookworms! I wish I had gotten to talk to some, and I did, just not on the subways.
Okay, so every girl in the world (or at least in Texas) finds the British accent sexy. Seriously, tell me if I’m wrong. So yes, naturally I loved hearing their accents. In fact, I’m sure they thought something was wrong with me wondering why I was staring, but really I was just entranced and trying to record it in my memory so when I return to Texas, I can replay it in my head, instead of watching Bridget Jones Diary. However, a few days into the London portion of the trip, I realized one guy = sexy, but two+ guys = annoying. On Sunday we were there during the World Cup game between England and Doucheland (Germany) and the British (guys) accents were obnoxious. I could not understand them all at once (I’m sure they think the same of us). Dudes our age were running around with English flags tied around their necks like capes and singing something in English, their English that is. From far it can sound rather scary, like there was an invasion going on, but as you got closer you saw a bunch of harmless guys running through the streets with face paint saying something I still don’t know (but I realize it is a show of pride for their country). Packs of British are impossible to understand, but I’m sure if you pulled one aside, you’d get your fix.
Seriously, I had NO flipping clue what some of them were saying. It sounds like this, (say in British accent) “blah, blah, blah, bloity, toity, blah, blah, blah, bananas, blah.” It got to the point where William was having to translate British English for me. Waiters thought I was either mute, or mentally challenged, regular people thought I was having a heart attack and William realized that I truly had no idea what they were saying. I mean wtf is wrong with me, they speak English, but for some strange reason, I don’t understand until after a few, “huhs?:, “excuse me’s”, and “pardon(s)?”. I have no idea when I started saying “pardon” but I did.
Food: Awesome!!!!! Seriously though, the best Thai I’ve had, so I had it a few times. Awesome croissants and I wasn’t even in France yet, delicious tea and I never drink chai, and amazing pastries. I also enjoyed lots of English style sandwiches, paninis, meats and their delicious world famous Fish and Chips. I love fried cod. Their food is clean, but not very light. The people are much thinner than Americans and I’m assuming it’s because they walk everywhere? Who knows? They also had incredible Indian food and I loved that the Indian restaurants were filled with white people. Indian food seems to be a staple and very mainstream. I even saw Indian restaurants without Indian staff. Cool. The Indian people from India seem to be chain smokers. It’s sad that while America’s programs like DARE and stuff really did work on us, people from developing countries didn’t seem to have that education. I swear, every Indian person under the age of 35 from India smokes, and in a proud way. Industrialization is good and bad, sad. I have non-indian friends who smoke that immediately cover it up, but these Indians seemed to think it looked cool. In fact we sat next to a guy who mentioned his smoking habit a few times, right before mentioning he was on his way to India to get married in a few days. I saw no white people smoking, just Indian immigrants. Sad.
Overall, I could go on and on about London, but I need to cut this thing off and am near being delusional from lack of sleep. The Brits were splendid, the city was awesome, the food was FANTASTIC, my bank account was raped, but it was a wonderful trip and I will definitely return to this city. Paris is next, I’m actually already here, but don’t have time to write any more! That’s all for now.

<3 np

1 comment:

  1. The part of you not understanding British English is hilarious, made my study break a little comedy session.
